It's Race Week Again!
Try the Tri Open Water

~ 5th February 2024 ~

This week has been all about getting down to business.  It's been a time for you to dig deep, focus, and smash those targets in every session.   And hold onto your swim caps, folks, because we’ve now entered race week for all our short course athletes!

Race #4 of the 2XU Triathlon Series is gearing up to unfold at the picturesque Sandringham, and we know you are all ready to showcase your grit, determination, and months of dedicated training. So let's line up at the start with confidence, knowing that you've put in the work and you're ready to shine. The cheers, the adrenaline, the thrill of competition—it's all waiting for you, and we couldn't be more pumped to see our squad in action.

Don't forget this Saturday morning we've got a crucial race recon session happening at Trevor Barker Oval. This is your chance to familiarise yourself with the course, fine-tune your strategy, and mentally prepare for the big event. Our coaches will be on hand to provide guidance and support, so be sure to lace up your shoes and join us.

Now, onto Sunday's schedule. As our coaches will be fully immersed in race commitments, the long course combo session will be uncoached. But fear not! We encourage all of you to embrace the electrifying atmosphere of race day by heading down to the venue to complete your session.

Calling all TriKids volunteers, we need your help to make race day a smashing success! We want you at the tent by 6:20 am. Your enthusiasm, dedication, and smiling faces are what make this event truly special, so let's rally together and show our TriKids the love and encouragement they deserve. Whether you're pointing them in the right direction, buckling up helmets or offering a high-five of encouragement, your presence makes a world of difference.

After the exhilaration of race weekend, what better way to unwind and refuel than with some delicious pizza and good company? Our amazing Ambassadors are organising a Recovery Week Pizza Night following the Thursday night combo session. It's the perfect opportunity to kick back, relax, and celebrate our achievements together.  Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun!

As we wrap up this week's newsletter, let's keep our eyes on the prize and our hearts set on our goals. Remember, "The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow."   So push through the discomfort, embrace the adrenaline, and strive for greatness. 

Elwood LSC

Membership Renewal & Registration

We have a long-standing partnership with Elwood Life Saving Club and always look to support the fantastic work they do for the community, both local and triathlon. That is why we encourage our athletes to become ELSC members.

An added benefit of being a member, means you can apply for a Foreshore Club Parking Permit. No more pesky parking tickets, no more remembering to buy your ticket before a session, and more freedom to park along the foreshore from Elwood to Port Melbourne!

How do I join or renew?

If you are registering for the first time go to and select whether you have been a member of a life saving club previously. Choose the option to join a Surf Life Saving Club and complete the required information.

To renew your membership you will need to access your SLSA Members Portal account. If you don’t already have one, go to and select the option to create an account. You will receive an email or SMS to confirm your account. Please follow the instructions to complete the process.

Once you have logged in click on the “Memberships” tab and you will see any clubs that you have previously been a member of. Select the renew option for Elwood. You will then have the opportunity to update your contact details and complete your renewal application.

Full details about how to renew or take out a membership are detailed in the following document.

For further questions please contact ELSC secretary Rachael Rylance on 0410 131 558 or email [email protected]


Best Part About Training......Eating!

Next Thursday night following Race 4 at Sandy, gather around after the combo session to take time to recharge, refuel, and savour the victories, big or small.
Will be pre ordering pizzas (meat and vegetarian) and refreshments.

The ask: $10.
If you can deposit with your name to:
Ben Marples BSB - 923100 ACC - 303191728
#RecoveryWeek #PizzaLove #Balance


Pre-Race Session

The day before race day…woohoo!

Meet at Trevor Barker Oval, before 7am.

First, we will ride one lap of the bike course (approx. 13kms), followed by a run off the bike (1 - 2.5km) and then a swim. All of this will be at an easy effort to get us ready for race day!

We then set up the TA Taj (Tri-Alliance Tent), this is where we hang out, get ready, keep our bags on race day.

Bring everything, we will be riding on the road so make sure you have lights, a phone, sunglasses, helmet etc.  Wear whatever you feel comfortable riding and running in. Most athletes wear their trisuit to easily ride, run and swim in.


*** COMPETITION PHASE - Build Week 2 ***

Monday 5th February:

6.15pm - All athletes - Squad Swimming at MSAC. Arrive 5 mins early to begin with dryland band warm up. Outdoor 50m pool. 4 lanes + 2 coaches.

Tuesday 6th February:

5:45am - All athletes – Interval run session at Albert Park Lake.

 - All athletes – Wind trainer session at MSAC. Arrive from 6pm to begin setting up. Meet on Level 1, on the walkway overlooking the indoor pool.

Wednesday 7th February:

5.45am - All athletes - Squad Swimming at MSAC. Arrive 5 mins early to begin with dryland band warm up. Outdoor 50m pool. 4 lanes + 2 coaches.

Thursday 8th February:

5.45am - Intermediate/Advanced athletes - HOT LAPS. Meet outside MSAC main entrance by 5:40am for 5:45am roll out. Tri-Alliance apparel is required.

 - All athletes - Combo at Elwood Beach:

  • Short Course - a brick session of structured bike/run intervals followed by open water swim/skills.
  • Long Course - a brick session, beginning with an open water swim/skills session followed by a structured run set.
  • Running - a structured interval run set.

6:30pm - TTT#4 - Combo session at Elwood Beach.
6:30pm - TTT#5 - Transition session at Elwood Beach.

Friday 9th February:

5:45am - All athletes – Squad Swimming at MSAC. Arrive 5 mins early to begin with dryland band warm up. Outdoor 50m pool. 3 lanes + 2 coaches.

Saturday 10th February:

6:30am - Long Course athletes - Long Ride towards Safety Beach. Check programs for distances.

Wear clothing appropriate to the conditions with Tri-Alliance riding gear mandatory.  All riders must be familiar with Tri-Alliance Bunch Riding and Cycling Etiquette policy: Road Cycling Tips - Tri-Alliance Triathlon Club Melbourne

6.45am - Short Course athletes & TTT#4 - Race recon session at Trevor Barker Oval, Sandringham. 

9:30am - Try the Tri #5 - Combo session at Sandringham. 

Sunday 11th February:

7:00am - All athletes - Combo session at Sandringham. Long swim/Long run combo.
Uncoached, but you can meet at the tent, then complete your swim next to the event and your run along the bike course.


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