

It's the weekly read that everyone waits for!
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As we hit Stage 4 restrictions this week, we were simultaneously hit with an Antarctic blast...the most severe since 1975! Lucky we must stay inside because it's not much fun out. But don't forget, the countdown we are focusing on is the one to spring which is only 3 weeks away! A good reminder that no matter what, spring always follows winter. The same too can be said for life. Better times are coming and whilst Stage 4 is confronting and challenging for everyone in different ways, it means we will be on the other side of this in the not too distant future.
Hang in there.

We are in full swing of our last strength phase and with time spent outdoors for exercise limited to 1 hour and within 5km of your home, the virtual sessions are now even more important than ever! It's also a good time to remind ourselves that we are living through the greatest public health crisis of the past 100 if you can't quite get that 17km run ticked off, or if you only feel like riding laps of your block for 30mins, that's ok! The most important thing is to keep active for both your mental and physical health, make the most of the hour of outside time regardless of the weather, and keep connected to family and friends in whatever way is possible...but obviously the best way is at our Go Virtual sessions - duh!

This week also happens to be recovery week which signals plenty of early nights, sleep ins, time on the couch or picking up that hobby you promised yourself you would get into! We also had another FTP test last night, with Coaches Gaz and Greg leading the charge and no doubt making sure everyone gave it absolutely everything. We know there are many athletes seeing the progress of consistency of WT and Zwift sessions over the past 4 and a bit months. Congratulations and keep it up!

With even more time at home, you can get your racing fix this week by watching the Tour de Quarantine. We also have another great recipe to try, a reminder to provide feedback to the City of Port Phillip about our beloved Elwood and, we are seeking your feedback for our virtual sessions. And if Stage 4 restrictions have thrown you and your training mojo for six, once again, don't forget to book in a catch up with Head Coach Ollie!

As always, don’t forget to reach out if you need some support or someone to connect to during this time. Likewise, don't forget to check in with the people you care about, make sure they’re ok and let them know life’s just not quite the same without sharing a lane at the pool, riding or running with them! Supporting each other no matter what is the TA way, and the Tri-Alliance family is all stronger for it.

No winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn
- Hal Borland
Go Virtual

Halfway...well, nearly! Did you know this weekend brings us to halfway from the start of Stage 3 restrictions to the end of Stage 4? Fancy that! We hope your virtual training continues to keep you happy, healthy, motivated and connected in the depths of Stage 4 lockdown.

We have an abundance of coaches running sessions across the week now with Gaz, Greg, Scotty, Steph, Ollie, Andrea, Jordy and Sammy gracing your screens at one point or more across the week. Variety is the spice of life and we hope you are enjoying this as much as we are! 

Don't forget our Go Virtual timetable is as below and all sessions can be accessed via the Go Virtual link in your program. 

Monday – 6pm Dryland Swim + 7.30pm Flex 
Tuesday – 6am Run Intervals + 6pm Wind Trainer + 7.30pm Flex
Wednesday – 7am Strength + 6pm Dryland swim + 7pm Flex
Thursday – 6am Hot Laps (Zwift) + 5pm Run Intervals + Flex (Independent)
Friday – 7am Strength + 6pm Flex 
Saturday – 7am Ride (Go Virtual & Zwift) + Flex (Independent)
Sunday – 8am Run + Flex (Independent)

We are seeking your feedback for our three run sessions. Currently these provide you with the opportunity to check in with Head Coach Ollie before, after or during (if you're super keen) your run, whether for motivation, tips or to clarify your set. However, they are being somewhat under-utilised and we are therefore seeking your feedback as to how these sessions would be of benefit to you. We are also seeking feedback for the Monday night flexibility session. It will take you 1 minute and your feedback is very valuable! You can provide your feedback via the link below. 

Tour de Quarantine
Get Your Race Fix

We have all had races cancelled and postponed and we've been making up for it with time spent on Zwift, RGT and riding local loops at home. But to really fill the gap that racing has left in our lives, we bring you...Tour de Quarantine! In case you missed it, Tour de Quarantine is a 14 Stage Series and you can watch race highlights of each stage on YouTube.
Click the link below to start watching Stage 1. 

Recipe of the week

Another week, another recipe! This time thanks to Michelle Leslie who shares her healhy snack balls with us. 

Elwood Feedback
Enhancing Elwood Foreshore

The Elwood Foreshore is an important place in the hearts of every Tri-Alliance  member and a place that most of us are missing dearly right now. 

The City of Port Phillip is keen to ensure Elwood Foreshore remains a quality public space and natural environment, and would like your input to help them understand local priorities and needs, and what the local community value most about the Elwood foreshore area.

You can provide your input by completing the survey linked below by Sunday 16 August 2020.


If being in the midst of stage 4 restrictions has you feeling a little deflated, demotivated or just unsure how to refocus your training, take the opportunity to reach out to a coach to discuss your goals and training purpose. Head Coach Ollie is available for 20 minute Zoom catch ups, these can be booked using the link below. 

Saturday Bunchie

It’s important to keep routines going and stay connected, so Saturday mornings we ride… VIRTUALLY!

We will have 2 options for all our programmed athletes:

  1. Join our private Zwift group ride – Tri-Alliance Social Saturday!


  1. Join us for an online coached session to see all your buddies and ride with the coach!

Check out how to join these groups using the link below


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