

It's the weekly read that everyone waits for!
Stay up to date with all the latest news, hear from athletes, find weekly specials and get the lowdown on all important weekend sessions


We are back! Families are back together, friends are reunited, we can visit shops, cafes and restaurants, the sun's been out and it's been days since we've had a new case! Not that anyone's really counting long as it's donuts! Freedom feels pretty good and we certainly hope that it was a recovery week to remember for everyone with lots of time spent with the people we love, doing the things we love. 

We are back to building this week and ready and raring to go! It's just as well, because the Tri-Alliance Virtual Race Series 2.0 is just around the corner. We've decided to make this one look a little different to the last, the first race takes place as normal but stay tuned for announcements for following races. We're adding an extra public race to the schedule, as well as heading outdoors for a couple...outdoors, I know, do you remember that place?

Speaking of outdoors, we have been really happy to hear about, and see, lots of our TA family reuniting, for social coffees and picnics or for a swim, ride or run. The TA family is pretty special, and we know that there are many of us that strongly believe we would not have made it through this year without each other! It has been brought to our attention that some sporting groups have not been obeying the current restrictions and have been reprimanded for doing so. If you are meeting up with fellow TA athletes to train, please remember to adhere to the current restrictions, especially when wearing Tri-Alliance branded clothing. Individuals, and Tri-Alliance, are at both reputational and financial risk by non compliance and this could impact our ability to commence face-to-face sessions.

The great news is that we have been busy planning the commencement of some face-to-face sessions, and we know there is a lot of excitement about this! Things will be run in a COVID-Safe manner, adhering to a "get in, train, get out" mantra. We are a long way from "returning to normal" but this is a step towards our new COVID-Safe world and we can't wait to start training together, IRL! 
This week we also have a great article from Coach Gaz, who has taken the time to reflect on the first virtual race series and has shared plenty of food for thought ahead of race series 2.0. Read on for the all important training updates, as well as a call out to female athletes to partake in research, and the opportunity to check in with Head Coach Ollie. 

Whilst it is exciting times with our newfound freedoms but it's been a long, exhausting year and it's very normal to still be feeling a little lacking in motivation or good vibes, or to be apprehensive of heading back out into the don't forget to still check in with others to make sure they are okay - why not check in with them face to face!? If you can, please reach out if you need some support or someone to connect to during this time. Supporting each other no matter what is the TA way, and the Tri-Alliance family is all stronger for it.

It's how you react to something that makes the difference 
- Richard Harris
Training Updates

We are very excited to announce that we are planning to commence some face-to-face sessions very soon! These sessions are strictly bookings only and currently, will be capped at 10 participants per session. Number limits will be adjusted as per DHHS guidelines. All athletes MUST be scanned in at each session they attend, to comply with our COVID-Safe plan. 

All athletes must:
* wear a fitted mask at all times, except when undertaking strenuous exercise when you must carry your mask with you 
* maintain physical distancing by keeping at least 1.5 metres between you and another person
* carry and care for all personal belongings, including water bottles
* cover mouths and noses if coughing or sneezing
* not attend if feeling unwell

At face-to-face sessions, all athletes will be responsible for their own personal belongings, there will not be an opportunity to leave items in the van (including bikes) and there will be no bike racks, nor bag minding at Elwood. Athletes must bring their own full water bottle to avoid use of shared taps.

Due to strictly limited participant numbers, only registered athletes may attend the session and we will employ a "get in, train, get out"'re just going to have to get really good at chats and catch ups whilst you're running or swimming! 

In the meantime, our virtual training continues with the aim of keeping you happy, healthy and motivated. We will confirm our face-to-face sessions, following announcements on Sunday, however, our plan is to combine our Go Virtual timetable with face-to-face sessions (in bold) as below, commencing Monday 9 November 2020.

Monday – 6pm Dryland Swim + Flex 
Tuesday – 6am Run Intervals at Albert Park Lake + 6pm Wind Trainer + 7.30pm Flex
Wednesday – 7am Strength + 6pm Dryland Swim + 7pm Flex
Thursday – 6am Hot Laps (Zwift) + 6pm Run and Open Water Swim at Elwood
Friday – 7am Strength + 6pm Flex 
Saturday – 7am Ride (Go Virtual & Zwift) + Flex (Independent)
Sunday – 8am Long Open Water Swim and Run at Elwood + Flex (Independent)

There will not be an option to Go Virtual for face-to-face sessions, however, you can contact a coach any time prior to ensure you are across the requirements of your programmed session.

TA VRS 2.0 2020 - NL Banner

We are back! The second instalment of the Tri-Alliance Virtual Race series starts on Sunday 15 November.

We're mixing things up this series with different days of the week, a couple of races from last series, a couple of public races and...a couple of races on the road! 

Same as the first series, there will be points awarded across different categories each week and both road races will be double points! Plus, there will be some bonus run and swim challenges thrown in too! It's sounding pretty exciting, right? 

If you didn't participate in the first series, don't worry, you can jump on board for 2.0! Head to the link below for all the race series details and to register. 

The first race of this second series will take us back to the familiar Sand and Sequoias, a 22.6km course in picturesque Watopia. As per last series, all registered athletes will receive an email with race details at least 24 hours prior. 

The power and the passion

Our first ever virtual race series came to an end a week ago and our second series kicks off this weekend. Coach Gaz has taken the time to reflect on the first series, sharing his wisdom with a few tips and ideas for every athlete to consider ahead of our next series. Follow the link below to read all about it. 

Calling all female athletes

Researchers at Deakin University are currently recruiting healthy female endurance athletes aged 18-40 years to take part in a large online study that investigates the impact of the female menstrual cycle and hormonal contraceptives on gastrointestinal and sleep outcomes, which can affect exercise performance. 

Taking part in this study will require you to:

  • Complete an online screening questionnaire to determine your eligibility for the study.
  • Continue your normal daily routine and exercise training.
  • Complete daily online questionnaires and weekly questionnaires over the duration of one menstrual cycle (average duration of 28 days).

Findings from this study will benefit female endurance athletes through enhanced knowledge on the impact of the menstrual cycle and hormonal contraceptives on gastrointestinal and sleep outcomes. Findings from this study will also provide a platform for further sports nutrition and exercise science research in female athletes.

If you are interested in obtaining further information about the study, or are considering taking part in this research, please contact the research team via email below.

This study has received Deakin University ethics approval (ref number: 2019-046)


Feeling optomistic as restrictions ease? Ready to refresh or renew your training goal and plans? Want to chat about your performance across the Virtual Race Series? Take the opportunity to reach out to a coach to discuss your goals and training purpose. Head Coach Ollie is available for 20 minute Zoom catch ups, these can be booked using the link below. 

Saturday Bunchie

It’s important to keep routines going and stay connected, so Saturday mornings we ride… VIRTUALLY!

We will have 2 options for all our programmed athletes:

  1. Join our private Zwift group ride – Tri-Alliance Social Saturday!


  1. Join us for an online coached session to see all your buddies and ride with the coach!

Check out how to join these groups using the link below


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