We are very excited to announce that we are planning to commence some face-to-face sessions very soon! These sessions are strictly bookings only and currently, will be capped at 10 participants per session. Number limits will be adjusted as per DHHS guidelines. All athletes MUST be scanned in at each session they attend, to comply with our COVID-Safe plan.
All athletes must:
* wear a fitted mask at all times, except when undertaking strenuous exercise when you must carry your mask with you
* maintain physical distancing by keeping at least 1.5 metres between you and another person
* carry and care for all personal belongings, including water bottles
* cover mouths and noses if coughing or sneezing
* not attend if feeling unwell
At face-to-face sessions, all athletes will be responsible for their own personal belongings, there will not be an opportunity to leave items in the van (including bikes) and there will be no bike racks, nor bag minding at Elwood. Athletes must bring their own full water bottle to avoid use of shared taps.
Due to strictly limited participant numbers, only registered athletes may attend the session and we will employ a "get in, train, get out" policy...you're just going to have to get really good at chats and catch ups whilst you're running or swimming!
In the meantime, our virtual training continues with the aim of keeping you happy, healthy and motivated. We will confirm our face-to-face sessions, following announcements on Sunday, however, our plan is to combine our Go Virtual timetable with face-to-face sessions (in bold) as below, commencing Monday 9 November 2020.
Monday – 6pm Dryland Swim + Flex
Tuesday – 6am Run Intervals at Albert Park Lake + 6pm Wind Trainer + 7.30pm Flex
Wednesday – 7am Strength + 6pm Dryland Swim + 7pm Flex
Thursday – 6am Hot Laps (Zwift) + 6pm Run and Open Water Swim at Elwood
Friday – 7am Strength + 6pm Flex
Saturday – 7am Ride (Go Virtual & Zwift) + Flex (Independent)
Sunday – 8am Long Open Water Swim and Run at Elwood + Flex (Independent)
There will not be an option to Go Virtual for face-to-face sessions, however, you can contact a coach any time prior to ensure you are across the requirements of your programmed session.