~The importance of wind trainer – and why you should not skip this session ~ When riding on the road, it can be difficult to complete a specific training session, especially targeted intervals, without your rhythm being disrupted by the undulating nature of the route, or the need to stop at traffic lights. Indoor training eliminates interruptions and uncontrollable variables, allowing you to concentrate solely on completing your workout. However, it’s important not to lose focus on why we ride – getting out into the great outdoors. You can use indoor training to complement outdoor riding, not replace it. Here are four golden rules for all riders to follow, if they want to become a better cyclist.
Maintain good posture while riding. There is no reason to ride with your elbows locked, shoulders tense, and hips rotated back in your seat. Ride as if you're the rider you want to be. Positive postural habits will be present on the race course if they are ingrained. Make your pedal stroke smooth.
Indoor training allows you to focus on technique, most notably your cadence and pedal stroke. Riding inside allows you to understand, appreciate, and apply fluid and smooth pedaling. You can feel and "see" the chain bouncing if you are a quad-focused rider. A chance to improve and become a more fluid rider. Put the plan into action.
You have a controlled environment, so carry out your training as planned. Why not take advantage of that? This is the intended output, but it is also the cadence (RPM) that is the goal of an interval. Bring it outside.
When riding inside, keep an eye out for "how does this apply to my outside riding?" As your races and events take place outside, connect the dots to see how your efforts contribute to becoming a better outside rider. And on top of all that, having a coach watch and guide you through your session is an additional bonus. Not many people can have technique advice yelled out through a screen! In a nutshell, embrace the trainer. It's a great tool to have in your arsenal but remember that your goal is to become a better bike rider outside. Taking advantage of the trainer's benefits (and coaches) and then applying those habits, lessons, and intervals to the outside world is your optimal performance lens for framing its role in your overall development and race readiness.
We look forward to seeing more of you at Tuesday's Wind Trainer with Coach Gaz or Coach Greg. |