

It's the weekly read that everyone waits for!
Stay up to date with all the latest news, hear from athletes, find weekly specials and get the lowdown on all important weekend sessions

Elwood Beach Sunset

As we start week 4 of lockdown, we’re shifting our focus away from the pandemic...has anyone noticed birds chortling away in the early hours of the morning and later in the day at dusk? Turns out, scientists are saying birds are already nesting and this can only mean one thing...spring is coming! There are just over 4 weeks left of winter and this seems like a much better countdown to be focused on right now! 

You will have noticed a new program commencing this week and this signals the next phase of strength that takes us right through until mid-September. After reading Mario’s incredible story last week, I’m sure we are all feeling more inspired and motivated to seize the day, be in the moment and make the most of the opportunity to get out there and be active.  

Thanks to everyone who came along to the inaugural TA Corona Quiz on Friday night, it was tight competition right until the last question and was great to see everyone’s knowledge tested and strengths shine! Stay tuned for a few more virtual events we have in the works in coming weeks. 

This week we introduce a member of the TA family you are sure to have seen around the squad at one point or another! We also have a recipe to share for a mid-lockdown treat and an opportunity to provide feedback to the City of Port Phillip about our beloved Elwood. 

As always, don’t forget to reach out if you need some support or someone to connect to during this time. This week could also be a great opportunity to check in with someone you’re missing, make sure they’re ok and let them know life’s just not quite the same without sharing a lane at the pool, riding or running with them! If we support each other, we are all stronger for it.

Every goal started as something in your mind. You have it all within you!
- Deborah Day
Go Virtual

Halfway (hopefully)! How's your virtual training going? 
It has been brilliant to welcome back a few faces now we are in the depths of lockdown 2.0. The TA good vibes are going strong and athletes are reaping the benefits, both physical and mental, of staying connected, motivated and active with their tri friends whilst staying at home. 

The number of different faces running sessions across the week continues to grow, with Sammy joining Scotty, Steph, Ollie, Andrea and Jordy. Variety is the spice of life and we hope you are enjoying this as much as we are! Don't forget that 

An important change to the timetable kicks off today with our Wednesday morning and evening sessions swapping:
Strength (for those programmed) is now at 7am Wednesday
Dryland Swimming
is now at 6pm Wednesday. 

Don't forget our Go Virtual timetable is as below and includes all three run sessions. The run sessions provide you with the opportunity to check in with Head Coach Ollie before, after or during (if you're super keen) your run, whether for motivation, tips or to clarify your set.
Join all sessions via the Go Virtual link in your program. 

Monday – 6pm Dryland Swim + 7.30pm Flex 
Tuesday – 6am Run Intervals + 6pm Wind Trainer + 7.30pm Flex
Wednesday – 7am Strength + 6pm Dryland swim + 7pm Flex
Thursday – 6am Hot Laps (Zwift) + 5pm Run Intervals + Flex (Independent)
Friday – 7am Strength + 6pm Flex 
Saturday – 7am Ride (Go Virtual & Zwift) + Flex (Independent)
Sunday – 8am Run + Flex (Independent)

If you are still heading out on the road for a ride, please make yourself familiar with the DHHS guidelines. A summary has been provided by Cycling Victoria which you can read via the link below. 

Meet the friendly physio

You may know her as your physio at Lakeside SMC, you may know her as your training buddy or you may know her as a coach at your zoom strength session...but how well do you really know Jordy? A former state netball player, a feta and filo fan, and New South Welsh-woman...let's get to know more about the very friendly and familiar face that is Jordan Cook...

Recipe of the week

With all the time we are currently spending at home, we have had many requests for recipe ideas to be shared once again. And as you will have read above, Jordy is an avid baker...what better segue than to start things off by sharing Jordy's favourite recipe!!
Jordy assures us it is absolutely worth every calorie...and if there's ever a time to treat yo'self, it's in the middle of a pandemic. Enjoy!

Elwood Feedback
Enhancing Elwood Foreshore

The Elwood Foreshore is an important place in the hearts of every Tri-Alliance  member and a place that most of us are missing dearly right now. 

The City of Port Phillip is keen to ensure Elwood Foreshore remains a quality public space and natural environment, and would like your input to help them understand local priorities and needs, and what the local community value most about the Elwood foreshore area.

You can provide your input by completing the survey linked below by Sunday 16 August 2020.


If being in the midst of lockdown 2.0 has you feeling a little deflated, demotivated or just unsure how to refocus your training, take the opportunity to reach out to a coach to discuss your goals and training purpose. Head Coach Ollie is available for 20 minute Zoom catch ups, these can be booked using the link below. 

Saturday Bunchie

It’s important to keep routines going and stay connected, so Saturday mornings we ride… VIRTUALLY!

We will have 2 options for all our programmed athletes:

  1. Join our private Zwift group ride – Tri-Alliance Social Saturday!


  1. Join us for an online coached session to see all your buddies and ride with the coach!

Check out how to join these groups using the link below


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