Hi TA family! Welcome to race week!
A quick reminder regarding the tents and BBQ set up and pack down on race weekends.
After our training session on Saturdays, it would be great if we all chip in to get set up for Sunday. All hands on deck to raise the tents, set up the stock, and make sure we're set for the race day. Same goes on the Sunday, but only in reverse! After your event, we'd love it if you could hang back for a little while to enjoy our free BBQ for the athletes, (thanks Ollie and Michelle!), and help us pack down. I know you'll be exhausted, but even folding up the chairs is a great help. What's the phrase? "Many hands make light work"?
So please, hang about, lend a hand, and chat with your TA family over a snag
Speaking of snags, we're seeking volunteers to operate the BBQ on Sunday. Everything is provided, we just need you to cook it Master Cheffing TA-Style should probably be done by someone not racing on the day. (We don't want you collapsing head-first into our lunch! lol). So, if you usually come down on a Sunday to train and not race, or your spectating-only this weekend, we'd love to hear from you. Please get in touch with Ollie, Michelle, myself or Andrea to volunteer your BBQing skills for this weekend. We'd all be super grateful!
To everyone else, I look forward to hanging out with you all while we set up and pack down on Saturday and Sunday.
From Les-bassador and And-bassador