

It's the weekly read that everyone waits for!
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It's the last week of April!  Did anyone think that time could go so fast in isolation?!
And we all know what the end of April means...the end of that blissful month of chocolate, rest and coffee rides...even if they have been from the comfort of our homes this year! 

But, as one chapter closes, another one opens and it's time to get cracking! The stats are looking good here in Aus and we're so proud of each and every one of the TA family who have been staying at home, helping to flatten the curve.  We are so happy that we have been able to all keep moving together, at home.
Whilst we are still in stage 3 of the COVID-19 restrictions here in Victoria and no sign of an update until May 11, it's time we got stuck into our technique block. Hard work now means that when the time comes, and we can ramp up our training, we will be ready and raring to go with our newfound technique!
For anyone who's been a regular to our dryland swim sessions, I can safely say that even the most water averse are absolutely chomping at the bit to get in the water and put those new swim skills to the test! 

Nothing helps motivation better than a goal or two, and now is the perfect time for our goal setting session, so check out the details below and mark it in your diaries!  We've also got an article in the Athlete's Corner about embracing process goals (#timely).

Don't forget to look after yourself, and one another, and don't ever be afraid to reach out to someone in the TA family.
Eat well, sleep well (and extra!), stay connected and remember that now is not the time to be pushing yourself or overloading your training...keep moving and keep happy!   

Seize the moment because some opportunities don't come twice

We're Moving Into Our Technique Phase

May always signifies the start of our Winter Training Season and is the first phase of our 5 training phases in our Yearly Planner.

Technique at the start of a training season is extremely important and will have a direct impact on your training and more importantly – racing, over the coming season.

Technique training involves working on your skills in all forms of triathlon. Breaking down the components of your swim stroke, riding technique, run technique and developing these, either through positional work or a strength component.

These are conducted at varying levels of intensity to assist you to build correct technique under differing training loads.

Those who commence their winter training in May will ensure they build a sound technique and base fitness to build on in our further training phases throughout the year.

Don't miss this opportunity.

Goal Setting Workshop

One of the ways you can make the most of the Transition Phase, is by reviewing the season that was and planning for your future goals.  Now is the perfect time to sit down (from the comfort of your own homes) with our coaches for some personal reflection.

This online Goal Setting Workshop will include:

  • Where do I start?
  • What do I measure?
  • What’s involved?
  • Types of Goals
  • Questions

Why Set Goals?
– Goal setting is a process for thinking about your future,
– For motivating yourself to turn your vision of the future into reality.
– The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go.
– By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts.

Goal Setting
*invitations in NL next week*

G FILES - The Isolation Edition

So here we are in isolation, and with not much else to do I thought I’d write something that you would all find at least mildly interesting. I thought that while this situation is dire, and in so many cases tragic (and I don’t want to make light of this), I thought I’d try and see the lighter side of things. I am also going to throw in some questions for you to ponder, without using any electronic assistance (i.e. Google and the like), and then send me the answers.

Loneliness & Social Isolation in the time of COVID-19

Never before have Australians been so restricted in their movement and the ways they can connect with other people.

These are extraordinary rules on our movement. For many, having far fewer social interactions may result in more loneliness.

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, APS psychologists and other experts in loneliness and social isolation have come together to offer Australians advice to deal with their feelings of loneliness, isolation and anxiety at this time.

Races Are Cancelled - It's Time to Embrace the Process

"With races and events canceled or postponed indefinitely due to the spread of Covid-19, many athletes are experiencing frustration, a lack of motivation to train, and a sense of helplessness." 

“I encourage athletes to let go of the outcome and embrace the process,” Dr. Lagos said. “Setting process goals is a great way for allowing the outcome goals to get achieved as you have more control over achieving the former.” 

Article originally written by Freya Drohan for, published 30 March 2020

Saturday Bunchie

It’s important to keep routines going and stay connected, so Saturday mornings we ride… VIRTUALLY!

We will have 2 options for all our programmed athletes:

  1. Join our private Zwift group ride – Tri-Alliance Social Saturday!


  1. Join us for an online coached session to see all your buddies and ride with the coach!

Check out how to join these groups using the link below


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