Weekly Highlights

It’s Recovery Week! And before you start celebrating with Netflix marathons and extra sleep-ins, let’s talk about why this week is so important. Recovery is your body’s chance to rebuild, recharge, and get ready to hit it hard again. Skipping this essential part of the cycle is like cutting corners in a race—it might feel quicker at first, but it’ll catch up with you. So, take it seriously, and make sure you’re bouncing back stronger.

Speaking of bouncing back, our Head Coach Ollie has penned an article titled "Stronger Together, Strength in Unity: The Benefits of Athletes Training Together." It’s all about the magic that happens when we train as a squad—how the energy of the group helps each individual reach new heights. Seriously, if you haven’t got the message yet, you’re missing out. Dive in and soak up Ollie’s wisdom.

We’ve also got another gem for you this Recovery Week: "Your Go-To Guide for Bouncing Back Stronger." We’ve pulled together some of the most common recovery questions from the squad, plus tips to keep you pushing through. Give it a read, and don’t just take notes—put them into practice!

Now, a quick heads-up: we’re making a small tweak to the timetable this week. Our Long Course athletes have been steadily increasing the kms, which means more time on the bike. While it might sound tempting to start later during Recovery Week, let’s be real—staying out longer just eats into your recovery time for the next session. So, check below for more details and adjust accordingly!

Oh, and don’t forget—this week is the magical moment when your Tri-Alliance annual member discount for the 2XU Triathlon Series finally kicks in on August 30! Get all the juicy details below and make sure you’re taking advantage of those savings.

Lastly, a bit of a bummer for those of you looking forward to pre-season camp in Queenscliff. Unfortunately, it won’t be happening this year as we couldn’t lock in a date. But don’t worry, we’ll make it happen next season—promise!

That’s it from us this week. Make the most of your recovery, take a peek at the articles, and get ready to crush it again soon.

Elwood Finish Line Team

Strength In Unity

In the world of sport, the saying "iron sharpens iron" couldn’t be truer. Training with the squad doesn’t just push you to improve; it creates an atmosphere that thrives on consistency, technique, and recovery—essential ingredients for success in our sport.


Your Go-To Guide

When you're logging serious kms across swim, bike, and run, recovery isn't just a suggestion—it's a necessity. Giving your body the time and care it needs to bounce back can be the difference between feeling like a well-oiled machine or dragging through your next session. Here are the top recovery questions we hear from the squad, with some tips to help you keep pushing!

 1. How long should I rest after a hard session?
After a brutal brick session or long ride, aim for 24-48 hours of rest or active recovery (a casual swim or easy jog does the trick). Trust me—forcing a full-throttle session too soon and your legs will give you a stern talking to. Let them chill, they’ve earned it!

2. What’s the best way to speed up muscle recovery?
Nothing magic here—active recovery like an easy spin or swim, lots of water, stretching, and, yes, good ol’ nutrition (you know, protein that doesn’t come from post-race beers). Throw in a foam roller session and a good night’s sleep for a full recovery kit.

3. Should I still train if I’m sore?
If you can still walk up the stairs without cursing your quads, go for a light session to get the blood flowing. But if getting out of bed feels like T2 on race day, maybe take it easy and stretch or swim instead. No need to be a hero every day.

4. How important is sleep for recovery?
Sleep is your secret weapon, especially after those monster endurance days. Think of it as your body's reset button—aim for 7-9 hours to give your muscles time to rebuild. Plus, it’s the best excuse to hit snooze on those early Tues/Thurs starts!

5. What foods are best for recovery?
Post-session feasts should be loaded with protein for muscle repair (chicken, fish, or tofu if you’re fancy), carbs to restock your energy (hello, sweet potatoes), and don’t forget the greens for those vital vitamins. Oh, and some omega-3s to keep inflammation in check, especially after those long runs!

Long Ride Saturday

Get In Early

The kms are slowly creeping up for our Long Course athletes, which means more and more time is required on the bike.  Whilst we'd like to think it's all good and well to start later during Recovery Week, the reality is, that you'll just end up being out there longer and having less time to recover for the next session.

Long Course athletes will start their ride from Elwood this weekend at 6:30am.  Those who have been riding with Ollie can meet him there to ride with you (aka push you).  Greg will be there for the 7am ride.  

2XU series 2025

Entries Are Now Open

Get ready to dive into the 2024/2025 2XU Triathlon Series, with registrations now open! There is an opening special for you to start planning your summer of racing.


To sweeten the deal, you will receive the 2024/2025 2XU Tri Series T-Shirt.

Please note the previous registration platform used for the 2XU Triathlon Series (Register Now) has now been updated to a new platform Race Roster, so things will look a little different when registering.

Members will select from a pre-populated list of Clubs and Schools based on the 2024 Series (including Tri-Alliance).  This selection will mean your result is attributed to our club points.

 Tri-Club Discounts will now be accessed via a Club Specific Promo Code.   Tri-Alliance Discount Promo Code: TRIALLIANCE

Discounts will not be active on the Opening Special "6 Races for the price of 4" of the 6 Race Full Series Entry. They will be active from the next pricing period beginning August 30th.  

Do the math - you can pay $491 now.  Or from August 30th you will get 20% discount off the Tri Club price of $553 = $442.40!

Race 1, Elwood - Sunday 24th November 2024
Race 2, Brighton - Sunday 8th December 2024
Race 3, St Kilda - Sunday 12th January 2025
Race 4, Sandringham - Sunday 9th February 2025
Race 5, Elwood - Sunday 2nd March 2025
Race 6, St Kilda - Sunday 23nd March 2025


Session Details 
- As per the online timetable.  Please check online.

Notable Information
- No Tuesday or Thursday morning session - due to Recovery Week.
- Tuesday night wind trainer - at MSAC.
- Thursday night running
- back at The Tan.
- Saturday morning ride - one location.  Intermediate/Advanced Long course athletes to start at 6:30am with Ollie.  All others to start at 7am with Greg.
- Sunday morning run -
one location.  Athletes can head to Fairfield with Greg, for their long run this weekend.


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