

It's the weekly read that everyone waits for!
Stay up to date with all the latest news, hear from athletes, find weekly specials and get the lowdown on all important weekend sessions


Anyone who was at Elwood on Saturday morning will have seen the unbelievably picturesque conditions our athletes were blessed with.  Just look at that photo!  And it was nice to have some warmer temps this week too.

Hopefully you remembered not to turn up to Albert Park Lake this morning for running.  Public Holidays mean no coached sessions.  Read that again.  It's doesn't mean no session, just that there aren't any coached squad sessions on.  All athletes would still have had programmed sessions to complete.  Only on these days, the onus is back on to you to tick that box.  So....did you follow your program?

You may have also noticed some of our coaches being 'shadowed' at some sessions.  Recently, Sarah Ryan completed her Triathlon Australia Foundation Coaching accreditation.  This certification allows coaches to prepare for, deliver and review pre-designed triathlon coaching sessions, in a range of controlled environments.  In other words, she's learning the ropes and Ollie is her supervisor.  Thank you for your support in this and if you have any feedback, please feel free to contact Ollie directly to discuss.

In this NL edition we've got info about Race #2 of the 2XU series at Sandringham, a change to combo sessions for this week only, a training opportunity for those who have always want to try Hot Laps but never thought they could and a reminder to consider applying for the ON Run Crew program.

Ok...enough interruption to your Australia Day.  Time to get on the beers! 

Round #2 for 2XU Series

Gee...that seems to have come around fast, hasn't it?!?!?  Well, it's race week again and this time we are heading to Sandringham.  It's good to have variety in race venues.  A similar, but not same bike leg, more of a trail run and different swim conditions.  Oh…and that hill!!!!  That’s a doozy!  Nevertheless, we are super excited to see everyone get out there again this weekend and give it their all in their races. 

We haven’t heard anything different, so we assume the event will go ahead in a similar manner to Race #1 at St Kilda.  That means no expo, no crowds and sticking to the in and out mentality.  We will have the TA Taj again for bag drops but encourage all athletes to come prepared.  We cannot have any congregating in the tent, that includes for changing, number writing, chatting, etc.  If the walls are up, there is only allowed to be 4 ppl inside the Taj (the only exception to this is the Burns family – so good to have them ALL racing!!!).  Please be mindful of this.  Nobody wants to have to have a door ‘b*&ch’ supervising!!!

To save rehashing it here, if you need to get race prepped, I’ve included the link to our previous Race Week NL with all the relevant information.  This covers:

  • TA Race suits
  • Elastic shoelaces
  • Race day checklist

It was great to have a small team of volunteers help with the Kids Race at St Kilda.  Thanks Andy & Mario for jumping into the madness.  If anyone is able to volunteer for an early start and would like to help, please let Bondy know asap.  It’ll be a 630am briefing.

New Location For Combo This Week

Now, we’ve said how exciting it is to be racing in a different location this weekend…so we best do some training there to familiarize ourselves!  We are going to hold our Thursday night and Saturday morning sessions from Sandringham Beach Park Reserve (right next to Trevor Barker Oval) this week.  Here’s what you need to know:

THURSDAY night training

Who: everyone!  The SC will begin with a run and then swim afterwards with Coach Steph.  The runners will base their session from here and hit the trails with Coach Gaz.  LC will meet Coach Greg here and then head down to water.  Coach Ollie will base himself there to oversee all sessions, coach TTT and mind the bags!

Where: everyone meets on Sandringham Beach Park Reserve.  It’s the grassy area between Trevor Barker Oval and the beach (halfway up the hill).

When: 6pm – don’t be late!

Why: it’s great race recon in preparation for Sunday.  It’s good for others to get out of their comfort zones and embrace different conditions.  The trails are brilliant for building strength.  And why not?!?!

Bikes: No.  There isn’t the scope to utilize these so we will stick with swim/run.

SATURDAY morning training

Who: Short Course only!  This is your race prep session.

Where: everyone meets at the top of Jetty Rd, near Beach Rd.  You will be riding first, so come prepared.  Leave bags, and belongings in the car initially.  Once you get back, meet on Trevor Barker Oval, where you can leave your bags whilst you run.  This can be followed by a swim.

When: 7am – don’t be late!

**LC ride is still leaving from Elwood at 630am, with Coach Greg.**

Hot Laps
Wanna Try Some Hotties?

Do you lack confidence on the bike? Do you dread going for a ride? Or just wish you had like-minded company to ride with? Join former Victorian Crit Champion, Coach Gaz, and regular crit racing FUPF (first unplaced female), Coach Steph, for some Thursday morning laps of Albert Park Lake.

Now, we can hear you thinking “I can’t do hot laps” or “I’m not fast enough” or “I’ll mess things up” …but, that’s actually the whole point!

Gaz and Steph will introduce and reinforce skills for riding safely and skilfully in a group, will share all their tips & tricks for using these skills and demonstrate how these skills are more important than strength! But, at the same time, we’ll all get stronger & more confident together working towards the goal of riding our own hot laps. This is an opportunity like no other with the wisdom and experience that these two coaches bring.

And of course, every session will be followed by coffee and if you’re really lucky, the opportunity to chat and pick the coaches’ brains.

We are seeking expressions of interest from athletes interested in participating in this session, and some athletes may be tapped on the shoulder – you know who you are! Please email Steph with ANY and ALL questions and concerns you have about this session, we don’t want anyone to feel scared or nervous and for everyone to feel welcome!

Join the On Run Crew Program

The On Run Crew program is about celebrating local community members who have a passion for running, fitness, health and wellness with a balance in life. Ambassadors should aim to inspire, be inclusive and lead by example with a passion for life, creating an upbeat running experience for everyone you meet. 

As an On Run Crew member, you'll be part of our team of local heroes. You'll get to try the latest On products and create unforgettable memories through community experiences, campaigns and events – in person and online. You'll receive your own On outfit (apparel and shoes) when you first join and again throughout the year so that you always represent On when training and racing. You'll also get the road or trail shoe of your choice to wear for competition and have the chance to earn more On gear with our Incentive and Campaign Challenge programs.

Want to be part of the world's fastest growing sports company? Don't miss your chance to become an On Run Crew Ambassador. Applications close Monday, February 8, 2021.


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