
24th JUNE 2020 – SWIM, BIKE, RUN, READ

It's the weekly read that everyone waits for!
Stay up to date with all the latest news, hear from athletes, find weekly specials and get the lowdown on all important weekend sessions

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It's recovery week! And with our second FTP test under our belt (GREAT job by everyone who came along last night, it was awesome to see athletes pushing themselves and working so hard) and our next run TT just around the corner, there's never been a better time to rest and recover to get those gains you have been working so hard on over the past couple of weeks. Did you know all that time working hard is wasted if you don't rest and recover? Triathletes often find it hard to sit still but it is a well known fact that rest is when the real work happens and if you're ready to push yourself and beat last better get resting!  

The news this week that cases are on the rise again in Victoria and the re-introduction of some restrictions means that we are bringing back our booking system for our face to face sessions. Make sure you book in for all sessions via the online timetable. These restrictions mean that there's never been a better time to stay at home and rest...did I mention it's recovery week?

As mentioned last week, the impending arrival of the newest member of the TA family is getting closer and closer…and it's even closer now! There is no way of predicting these things but we promise to let you know when there is news. We are doing our very best to keep things running as smoothly as possible at the moment. Please remember to get in touch with Coach Steph ([email protected]) or Coach Greg ([email protected]) if you need anything.

Read on below for session updates including run reminders, outdoor rides, an article on time trials, plus there’s also another bike for sale! Plenty to digest with your feet up on the couch...resting, recovering!

Keep well, keep training, keep connected.

There is nothing like staying home for real comfort
- Jane Austen
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Run session rundown
We are back to three run sessions a week, and due to restrictions we have brought back our booking system.
All run sessions MUST be booked online prior to attending via the online timetable. 

Our run meeting point locations are as follows:
* Tuesday - outside MSAC main entrance for 6am start
* Thursday - Pillars of Wisdom at The Tan for 6:15pm start
* Sunday - outside MSAC main entrance for 8am start
Check the timetable for exact location if unsure.

As usual and to keep with regulations, all athletes MUST be scanned in at each session they attend, so we have an accurate record of attendance.  Please do not leave a session without ensuring this has been done.

Reminder, all athletes must:
* maintain physical distancing by keeping at least 1.5 metres between you and another person
* carry and care for all personal belongings, including water bottles 
* cover mouths and noses if coughing or sneezing
* not attend if feeling unwell

The above reminders are particularly important for Thursdays at The Tan - all athletes are responsible for their personal belongings and there will not be an opportunity to leave any items in the van (including bikes) and athletes must bring their own full water bottle to avoid use of shared taps. 

Don't forget that there will not be an option to GO Virtual for these sessions, however, you can contact a coach any time prior to ensure you are across the requirements of your programmed session.
Outdoor riding is on the horizon...we hope!
We hope that the recent setback in restrictions is only temporary and that we will be back to our Saturday group rides soon.

However, we are planning for a return of hot laps next Thursday 2nd July for those athletes with hot laps programmed. Hot laps will need to be booked via the online timetable with a limit of 20 attendees. Stay tuned with more details to follow. 
Don't forget!
A friendly reminder for wind trainer...

* Earlier Start Time - we now start the session at 6pm to be able to fit in our flex session afterwards.  That means, begin logging on from 5:45pm, continue setting up and warming up and be ready to officially start the set at 6pm.  

* Split Sessions – from next week we will separate into short and long course sessions.  That means 2 coaches, 2 separate sessions, 2 different sets, 2 finish times.  You don’t have to do anything – just access the session the same way you always have, via the Go Virtual link.  This starts next Tuesday 30th June with Coach Steph for SC and Coaches Ollie and Greg for LC. 
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Access to Pools
If you are one of those lucky enough to be able to book lane space at their local pool, you will have seen both swim sets and dryland swim sessions assigned to your programs from now on. So that, if you can get to a pool, you can follow the programmed set.

For those without access to a pool, don't fret! We are continuing to work on your strength and technique through our coached dryland swim sessions. We know that this will be all the more worthwhile when it becomes suitable for squads to resume and you can take your newfound skills and strength into the pool. 

We will resume swim squad sessions as soon as possible, and in the meantime we must continue to be patient and do the right thing in keeping everyone healthy and safe.
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Ambassador Andrea is selling her bike!
This has been a great bike and served me well in both training and racing. It is perfect for long bunch rides, early morning hot laps as well as being a light bike great for climbing. The bike came with me to the Sprint Age Group World Championship in Switzerland last season and was great to ride at the draft legal race there. I have also put TT-bars on it for part of the summer season in Australia and raced it at Noosa, several 2XU races and the bike leg of the Geelong 70.3, and I have nothing bad to say about it. I never thought I would become fond of road riding, but the combination of TA rides and this bike has made me LOVE IT!

Having read my love letter to the bike I am selling you might be thinking “Well why does she want to sell it then? There’s something fishy here…”. And I wouldn’t blame you for thinking that. The reason I chose to upgrade to a new bike is because I know I will be moving back to Norway eventually and I wanted to get a bike with disc brakes to bring back to the land of hills and rain (pretty sure I will be dreaming of those dry Beach Road rides…). Bikes are cheaper in Australia than in Europe (in general) and with a TA (ambassador) discount as well, it felt like the sensible thing to do. But: my new bike is also a Liv Langma, so the love story continues.

Some details about the bike:
Type: Liv Langma Advanced 3 (2018) 
Size: M (rider height 164cm-176cm)
Wheelset: Mavic Axium Elite UST (small upgrade from the standard Giant wheels that came with the bike)
It comes straight from a general service at Giant Ormond, with no known issues.
Pedals are not included.
Price: $1200

In addition I have collected a few saddles, in my search for one that fits me well, so whoever buys my bike can pick whichever one they like. You can also borrow all of them and try them out over a longer period of time before deciding.
Why time trial?

FTPs and time trials, it's all happening at the moment! Remember that these are only for your benefit, it's you against you, every single time.

With all that's going on, races postponed and inspiration lacking...perhaps time trials could be just the motivation we are all looking for to get out the door, keep pushing through the next session and to keep us accountable through the winter season!

Read on below if you would like to find out a little bit more about why we time trial.  

Saturday Bunchie

It’s important to keep routines going and stay connected, so Saturday mornings we ride… VIRTUALLY!

We will have 2 options for all our programmed athletes:

  1. Join our private Zwift group ride – Tri-Alliance Social Saturday!


  1. Join us for an online coached session to see all your buddies and ride with the coach!

Check out how to join these groups using the link below


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