Weekly Highlights

~ 19th February 2024 ~

Welcome to another edition of our weekly newsletter! We've just wrapped up Recovery Week, and boy, did we make the most of it! It was all about taking that much-needed breather, giving our bodies and minds a chance to recharge and refuel. Now, as we gear up for Build Week 1, it's time to shift into high gear and tackle those sessions with gusto. Let's crush those targets and keep the momentum rolling!

A huge round of applause and a big shoutout to our incredible athletes who took on some extraordinary challenges over the weekend! First off, massive kudos to the Dream Team for diving into the Fitzroy MS Mega Swim. What an amazing event for such a worthy cause! It's inspiring to see our squad come together to support those living with MS while having a blast in the pool. And let's not forget Pammy, who fearlessly tackled the U24 Series with a 12km open water swim from Capel Sound to Sorrento. Pammy, you're an absolute rockstar! To all our athletes who embrace challenges head-on, you continue to amaze and inspire us all. Keep up the fantastic work, team!

Speaking of events, mark your calendars because there’s a big one coming up this weekend at Elwood Beach—the Melbourne Teams Triathlon (formerly known as The Corporate Tri)! It's always a fantastic event, watching teams come together and give it their all (often off very little training). Just a heads up, though: while this won't affect our Saturday sessions, Elwood Beach will be off-limits on Sunday morning due to the triathlon. But fear not! Greg has graciously offered to relocate our Sunday Combo session to Half Moon Bay instead. So, gather bright and early on the sand for a 7:15 am start, and be sure to allow a little extra travel time. You’ll hit the trails for you long run following the swim.

Quick heads up! If you're looking to give your performance and recovery a serious boost, look no further than PILLAR magnesium available at the TriShop. This stuff is an absolute game-changer, and our Head Coach can't sing its praises enough—seriously, it's a staple in his daily routine. Packed with incredible restorative properties, PILLAR magnesium is a must-have for any athlete looking to up their game. For more details on this wonder supplement, be sure to check out the info below and grab yourself some PILLAR magnesium today!

And there you have it, folks! As we gear up for Build Week 1 and all the excitement that lies ahead, let's remember the wise words from a beloved movie character: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." So, let's seize the day, embrace the challenges, and keep pushing towards our goals with all the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store. Stay awesome, stay motivated, and let's make this week count!

PS…it was Ferris Bueller for all those playing at home!

Athlete Results - 1

Athlete Success

2024 Fitzroy MS Mega Swim
Congratulations to all those who took part in the Mega Swim event on Friday/Saturday.  The Dream Team swam 72.05km in the 24 hours and raised $4261 for MS.
Sarah tells us, "It was tough to do, but the team spirit gets you through. However, only Andy (the real MVP), literally stayed up for 24 hours."
The Dream Team included:  Sarah, Aurelie, Isabel, Zoe, Enrique, Andy, Paul (and his two kids: Jacob & Ellie), Ben, Mike, Erin and Michael Grey. Neda & Sarah M also contributed significantly to the team.
Tanya and Andrea were also swimming as part of the event, with another team.

Ultra 24 Series
Huge shout out to the legend, Pammy, who swam 12kms on Saturday as part of team in U24.  The Ultra 24 series is a 24km open water swim from Safety Beach to Sorrento.  Pammy's leg was from Capel Sound to Sorrento, and she was superbly chaperoned by Simon in the kayak as support crew.

We love hearing about our athletes taking on various challenges, so be sure to let us know if you've thrown your hat in the ring.  Be proud!


Please Ignore

Update for those of you who recently received a membership-related email, similar to the above.

Please feel free to ignore it.  Your training memberships are ongoing, auto renewed weekly by your direct debit.  They are not cancelled unless you action that personally, through your dashboard. 

We recently had a system update, and our auto-gen got particularly excited and emailed a bunch of you!  We thought it had resolved itself, but it seems it's still a little trigger-happy!

Feel free to contact us if in doubt.  But as far as we are concerned, there is nothing you need to action from your end, unless you hear from us.


What You Need To Know

Magnesium is one of those minerals that’s spoken about in athletic circles in relation to muscle relaxation, recovery and good sleep.

While these benefits hold true – likely a result of magnesium’s action on the nervous system – there is still confusion around what else magnesium does, how much you might need and most importantly, are getting enough?

Let’s look at some specifics when it comes to magnesium…

Why do I need magnesium?
Magnesium plays many vital roles across health as well as performance functions, its needed for numerous things including:
* Muscle contraction and relaxation
* Energy production
* Nerve function
* Cardiac activity
* Blood pressure regulation
* Hormonal interactions
* Immunity
* Bone health
* Synthesis of proteins, fats and nucleic acids

Where is magnesium found?
Magnesium is not produced by the body, so it needs to be ingested daily. It’s found pretty widely in common foods, the best sources include:
* Spinach
* Cocoa
* Black beans
* Avocado
* Pumpkin seeds
* Almonds
* Whole grains

So, isn’t food enough then?
Surely with a well-rounded diet, magnesium requirements could be met. Not so fast.  There are a few reasons why you might want to keep a careful eye on magnesium intake, especially if you are an athlete.

Continue reading the PILLAR article to find out why...

Get Some Today!
Did you know that through the TriShop, you can get a 200g tub of magnesium powder for just $38!  Two delicious flavours (Natural Berry / Pineapple & Coconut).  Order now and pick it up at your next training session. 

The Head Coach has this product daily and swears by it!


*** COMPETITION PHASE - Recovery Week ***

Monday 19th February:

6.15pm - All athletes - Squad Swimming at MSAC. Arrive 5 mins early to begin with dryland band warm up. Outdoor 50m pool. 4 lanes + 2 coaches.

Tuesday 20th February:

5:45am - All athletes – Interval run session at Albert Park Lake.

 - All athletes – Wind trainer session at MSAC. Arrive from 6pm to begin setting up. Meet on Level 1, on the walkway overlooking the indoor pool.

Wednesday 14th February:

5.45am - All athletes - Squad Swimming at MSAC. Arrive 5 mins early to begin with dryland band warm up. Outdoor 50m pool. 4 lanes + 2 coaches.

Thursday 15th February:

- Intermediate/Advanced athletes - HOT LAPS. Meet outside MSAC main entrance by 5:40am for 5:45am roll out. Tri-Alliance apparel is required.

 - All athletes - Combo at Elwood Beach:

  • Short Course & TTT5 - a brick session of structured bike/run intervals followed by open water swim/skills.
  • Long Course - a brick session, beginning with an open water swim/skills session followed by a structured run set.
  • Running - a structured interval run set.

6:30pm - TTT#6 - Open Water session at Elwood Beach.

Friday 16th February:

5:45am - All athletes – Squad Swimming at MSAC. Arrive 5 mins early to begin with dryland band warm up. Outdoor 50m pool. 3 lanes + 2 coaches.

Saturday 17th February:

6:30am - Long Course athletes - Long Ride towards Safety Beach. Check programs for distances.

Wear clothing appropriate to the conditions with Tri-Alliance riding gear mandatory.  All riders must be familiar with: Road Cycling Tips - Tri-Alliance Triathlon Club Melbourne

6.45am - Short Course athletes - Combo session at Elwood Beach. An interval bike/run session with open water swim session at the end.

9:30am - Try the Tri #6 - Combo session. 

Sunday 18th February:

7:15am - All athletes - Combo session at Half Moon Bay. Long swim/Long run combo.
Swim at Half Moon Bay from 7am.
Run from Half Moon Bay (trails) at 8am.


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