
17th JUNE 2020 – SWIM, BIKE, RUN, READ

It's the weekly read that everyone waits for!
Stay up to date with all the latest news, hear from athletes, find weekly specials and get the lowdown on all important weekend sessions


Another winter week, another opportunity to build strength! We had the return of our TA Tuesday run sessions yesterday with some milder weather greeting athletes and Coach Ollie for the earliest morning start we have had in a couple of months!

Speaking of strength, we move our Thursday evening run session back to The Tan starting this week to give us the option of incorporating hills into our interval sessions. The Tan is a favourite for many so read on below for all the details and don’t forget to check the timetable if you’re unsure of the exact meeting location.

In other news and as most of you will know, the impending arrival of the newest member of the TA family is getting closer and closer…it could happen any day now! There is no way of predicting these things but we promise to let you know when there is news. And when it does happen, we will do our very best to keep things running as smoothly as possible. Please be patient if your questions or enquiries go unanswered over the coming weeks, you will get a response in due course, but in the meantime please feel free to get in touch with Coach Steph ([email protected]) or Coach Greg ([email protected]).

Read on below for session updates including The Tan details, swim sessions and plans for the return of outdoor rides, woohoo! There’s also another bike for sale and another member of the TA family to introduce (not the little one referred to above…yet!!). Enjoy!

Keep well, keep training, keep connected.

If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be
- Maya Angelou
The Tan Running
We're heading back to The Tan!
Following our first Tuesday morning session for winter kicking off this week, we are very excited to be heading back to The Tan for our Thursday night interval sessions...who doesn't love an Anderson St or Botanical Gardens hill rep!! 

A reminder that our meeting point locations are as follows:
* Tuesday - outside MSAC main entrance for 6am start
* Thursday - Pillars of Wisdom at The Tan for 6:15pm start
* Sunday - outside MSAC main entrance for 8am start
Check the timetable for exact location if unsure.

Tuesday and Thursday no longer need to be booked online prior to attending, however, we do require bookings to be made for the Sunday long run. You can book the Sunday run session via the online timetable. 
As usual and to keep with regulations, all athletes MUST be scanned in at each session they attend, so we have an accurate record of attendance.  Please do not leave a session without ensuring this has been done.

Reminder, all athletes must:
* maintain physical distancing by keeping at least 1.5 metres between you and another person
* carry and care for all personal belongings, including water bottles 
* cover mouths and noses if coughing or sneezing
* not attend if feeling unwell

The above reminders are particularly important for Thursdays at The Tan - all athletes are responsible for their personal belongings and there will not be an opportunity to leave any items in the van (including bikes) and athletes must bring their own full water bottle to avoid use of shared taps. 

There will not be an option to GO Virtual for these sessions, due to the increase in face-to-face athletes.  However, you can contact a coach any time prior to ensure you are across the requirements of your programmed session.
Access to Pools
Many athletes are increasingly returning to the pool, lucky enough to be able to book lane space at their local pool. We have heard good feedback and hope everyone is taking their newfound strength and technique from our dryland sessions with them into the pool!

You will have seen both swim sets and dryland swim sessions assigned to your programs from now on.  These are being made available to suit your personal circumstances.  So, if you can get to a pool, you can follow the programmed set. For those without access to a pool, we will continue to work on your strength and technique through our coached dryland swim sessions, until such time that it becomes suitable for squads to resume.

Whilst restrictions are easing and there is access available at many pools for individual use, due to number limits (20 per pool) it is still not possible to facilitate squad swim sessions. We are as disappointed about this as you but we all must continue to be patient and continue to do the right thing in keeping everyone healthy and safe.
Outdoor riding is on the horizon
Restrictions are gradually easing for sport and exercise and with this comes some good news for our group rides. From 13 July, adults can resume full-contact training and as such, we will commence our Saturday long rides on Saturday 18 July and hot laps from Thursday 23 July. 

More details to follow closer to the time but start getting your winter gear ready! 
Wind Trainer
As we progress further into our training block, we will need to make the following changes to our Tuesday night wind trainer sessions:

* Earlier Start Time - we will need to kick off the session at 6pm to be able to fit in our flex session afterwards.  That means, begin logging on from 5:45pm, continue setting up and warming up and be ready to officially start the set at 6pm.  

* Split Sessions – we’re at the point we need to break off into short and long course sessions.  That means 2 coaches, 2 separate sessions, 2 different sets, 2 finish times.  You don’t have to do anything – just access the session the same way you always have, via the Go Virtual link.  This will commence the week following your next FTP test, Tuesday 30th June. Get excited, Coach Steph returns for SC and Coaches Ollie and Greg will be taking care of LC. 
Meet the TA family
This week we introduce to you an unassuming, quiet achiever within the TA family. Denise is modest in her commitment to her goals but prioritises this just as much as she does keeping a smile on her face, as well as ensuring those around her are smiling too!
Shoe Twist Challenge

Balance your shoe on your foot and complete a full roll without dropping it! 

For those who want an extra challenge try switching to the other foot and completing a second roll in the opposite direction!

Who’s got the hip mobility to take on the Shoe Twist Challenge?

If you can successfully master (or not, coz who doesn’t love seeing the blooper reel), then share it with the TA Fam and get everyone involved.

Use the hashtags #TriAlliancePhysicalChallenge #TrainingWithoutBoundaries so we can keep an eye on you!

Don't Forget:
Same Sessions - New Options
With the recommencement of face-to-face sessions and some activities progressing in time, there is a need to make a few amendments to our timetable in terms of the Go Virtual option. 

When looking at your program in CoachingMate, if you see a time assigned to the session, it will mean there is a Go Virtual option for an online session.  If you do not see a time assigned, it does not mean the session is not on, it just means you cannot join virtually.

Please also make sure you look at the online timetable to see what’s happening and at what time.  This is up to date with all relevant information.

Monday – Dryland swim (Go Virtual) + Flex (Go Virtual)
Tuesday – Run Intervals (Group) + Wind Trainer (Go Virtual) + Flex (Go Virtual)
Wednesday – Dryland swim (Go Virtual) + Strength (Go Virtual) + Flex (Go Virtual)
Thursday – Hot Laps (Zwift) + Run Intervals (Group) + Flex (Independent)
Friday – Strength (Go Virtual) + Flex (Go Virtual)
Saturday – Ride (Go Virtual & Zwift) + Flex (Independent)
Sunday – Run (Group) + Flex (Independent)
Saturday Bunchie

It’s important to keep routines going and stay connected, so Saturday mornings we ride… VIRTUALLY!

We will have 2 options for all our programmed athletes:

  1. Join our private Zwift group ride – Tri-Alliance Social Saturday!


  1. Join us for an online coached session to see all your buddies and ride with the coach!

Check out how to join these groups using the link below


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