A reminder that our meeting point locations are as follows:
* Tuesday - outside MSAC main entrance for 6am start
* Thursday - Pillars of Wisdom at The Tan for 6:15pm start
* Sunday - outside MSAC main entrance for 8am start
Check the timetable for exact location if unsure.
Tuesday and Thursday no longer need to be booked online prior to attending, however, we do require bookings to be made for the Sunday long run. You can book the Sunday run session via the online timetable.
As usual and to keep with regulations, all athletes MUST be scanned in at each session they attend, so we have an accurate record of attendance. Please do not leave a session without ensuring this has been done.
Reminder, all athletes must:
* maintain physical distancing by keeping at least 1.5 metres between you and another person
* carry and care for all personal belongings, including water bottles
* cover mouths and noses if coughing or sneezing
* not attend if feeling unwell
The above reminders are particularly important for Thursdays at The Tan - all athletes are responsible for their personal belongings and there will not be an opportunity to leave any items in the van (including bikes) and athletes must bring their own full water bottle to avoid use of shared taps.
There will not be an option to GO Virtual for these sessions, due to the increase in face-to-face athletes. However, you can contact a coach any time prior to ensure you are across the requirements of your programmed session.