

It's the weekly read that everyone waits for!
Stay up to date with all the latest news, hear from athletes, find weekly specials and get the lowdown on all important weekend sessions


We survived the most severe Antarctic blast since 1975, we've made it through 5 weeks of lockdown and we're now only two weeks away from Spring - woohoo! There's never been a better time to focus and reflect on the positives and matter how small you may perceive them to be! 
What else has been positive for you recently? Did you run a new route, stumble upon a new local treasure that you didn't know about, or get up in time to appreciate the sunrise?

Last week was recovery week which means this week we are back to it, build week 1 and another opportunity to build strength. But, as mentioned last week, this is not the time to be breaking PBs or pushing yourself beyond your limits. We will be back in a place where that's what we're aiming for soon enough but in the mean time, it's important to keep active for your mental and physical health, to make the most of your hour of outside time and to keep connected with family and friends...and yep, you recall correctly, the best way to do this is at our Go Virtual sessions! 

We hope you enjoyed Tour de Quarantine last week, the video this week is a visual celebration of cycling, it's an oldie but a goodie! We also have another great recipe to try, a reminder to provide feedback about our virtual sessions and to check in with Head Coach Ollie if you need a chat! 

As always, don’t forget to reach out if you need some support or someone to connect to during this time. Likewise, don't forget to check in with the people you care about, make sure they’re ok and let them know life’s just not quite the same without sharing a lane at the pool, riding or running with them! Supporting each other no matter what is the TA way, and the Tri-Alliance family is all stronger for it.

When everything is uncertain, everything that is important becomes clear
- unknown
Dryland Swim 2
Timetable reminders

We hope your virtual training continues to keep you happy, healthy, motivated and connected in the depths of Stage 4 lockdown.

Following our FTP test last week, we have our next run time trial scheduled on the program for tomorrow night. This is an opportunity to see where you are at and how you have improved in the last 6 weeks...or even better right now, to see what you have managed to maintain in these crazy times. Yes, it's ok if you don't get a PB or don't improve on last time. You're getting out there and ticking a run off, and that's enough right now!

Don't forget our Go Virtual timetable is as below and all sessions can be accessed via the Go Virtual link in your program. 

Monday – 6pm Dryland Swim + 7.30pm Flex 
Tuesday – 6am Run Intervals + 6pm Wind Trainer + 7.30pm Flex
Wednesday – 7am Strength + 6pm Dryland swim + 7pm Flex
Thursday – 6am Hot Laps (Zwift) + 5pm Run Intervals + Flex (Independent)
Friday – 7am Strength + 6pm Flex 
Saturday – 7am Ride (Go Virtual & Zwift) + Flex (Independent)
Sunday – 8am Run + Flex (Independent)

Tips from Garmin

Garmin recently shared a post on Instagram that was too good not to share here!

Exercise & Immunity: Do’s & Do Not’s.
Now more than ever people are turning to exercise as a way to cope with COVID-19 and their imposed isolations.

Accredited Exercise Physiologist @samrooney_ep explains how to best support immunity through exercise: “Research has shown that regular bouts of moderate intensity exercise supports immune system function, whereas sustained high intensity exercise has been shown to suppress immunity and increase risk of infection. A number of studies have shown the risk of Upper Respiratory infections are increased after prolonged strenuous exercise events, something to be aware of particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.” He goes on to explain that now is the perfect opportunity to take a step back, maintain what you have and look after your physical and mental health (another immune function support!).

We recommend you grab your Garmin, hit a socially distanced trail and aim to train in Heart Rate Zones 2 & 3.

The Holstee Manifesto

If you ignore the lack of helmets and can look past the swapping of licks of ice cream and will be sure to enjoy this video.

A visual celebration of cycling, along with a great quote, this video will leave you reflecting upon the simple pleasures in life and the importance of bikes and cycling...beyond swim, bike, run!

Chocolate slice
Recipe of the week

This week's recipe comes from Jordy and sounds deeeeeeeelish! Chocolate, dates, nuts,'s Healthy Hedgehog slice!

Do you want to run virtually?

We are seeking your feedback for our three run sessions. Currently these provide you with the opportunity to check in with Head Coach Ollie before, after or during (if you're super keen) your run, whether for motivation, tips or to clarify your set. However, they are being somewhat under-utilised and we are therefore seeking your feedback as to how these sessions would be of benefit to you. We are also seeking feedback for the Monday night flexibility session.

It will take you 1 minute and your feedback is very valuable! You can provide your feedback via the link below.


If being in the midst of stage 4 restrictions has you feeling a little deflated, demotivated or just unsure how to refocus your training, take the opportunity to reach out to a coach to discuss your goals and training purpose. Head Coach Ollie is available for 20 minute Zoom catch ups, these can be booked using the link below. 

Saturday Bunchie

It’s important to keep routines going and stay connected, so Saturday mornings we ride… VIRTUALLY!

We will have 2 options for all our programmed athletes:

  1. Join our private Zwift group ride – Tri-Alliance Social Saturday!


  1. Join us for an online coached session to see all your buddies and ride with the coach!

Check out how to join these groups using the link below


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