Weekly Highlights

Welcome to Build Week 2! We’re in the midst of our training cycle, and this week is crucial. It’s where we really dig in and push through to make the most of our Strength/Endurance phase. After laying down a solid foundation in July and August, this week is your chance to make those gains count before we shift gears into Speed Training. So, let’s buckle down and give it our all - there’s only one more week of Strength/Endurance to go before we rev up the speed!

Speaking of the schedule, we’ve got a little tweak to mention. With Ollie off at Amy’s Grand Fondo this weekend and the weather playing hard to get, we’re switching things up for our intermediate/advanced long course athletes. This weekend, you’ll tackle an uncoached Beach Road ride. Next weekend, Ollie will be back and ready to lead you on a Kinglake adventure for one last hill challenge. So, our original ride plans for the next two weekends are swapping places - check the updated timetable for details.

For a bit of fun this week, we’ve included a light-hearted section on the top 10 excuses you can no longer use. Sometimes we all need a chuckle to remind us that we’re in this together and no excuse is too creative to be used against us!

And don’t forget, as a Tri-Alliance annual member, you’re in for a treat with an impressive discount on the 2XU Triathlon Series. This perk officially kicked in on August 30, so check out the details below and take advantage of those savings.

That’s it for this week - make the most of Build Week 2, keep pushing, and we’ll see you out there at the sessions!

Thailand Timetable Tweaks

Weekend Ride Swap

Due to a number of factors, we have made the decision to swap the Intermediate/Advanced Long course ride plans for the next two weeks.  This is what you need to know:

This weekend will be uncoached, and you are encouraged to complete a Beach Road ride.

Next weekend, Coach Ollie wants to take you out to Kinglake for one last hill hurrah!  

Both rides start at 6:30am.  Reach out if you are unsure about the plan.


The Final Week of Strength & Endurance: Finish Strong!

With just one week left in our Strength & Endurance phase, this is your chance to make every session count before we shift into Speed Training. The hard work you’ve put in over the last few weeks has laid a solid foundation, but this final push is critical to maximise your strength gains and endurance capacity.

Use this week to fine-tune your technique and squeeze out the last bit of strength development before we transition to faster, more intense sessions. Every effort you make now will set you up for success in the next phase, allowing you to approach speed training with a stronger, more resilient body.

Stay focused, stay consistent, and give this week everything you've got. The payoff will be huge when we ramp up the intensity!


Top 10 Excuses You Can’t Use Anymore

As we gear up for the next phase of training, let’s have some fun with the excuses we’ve all used. Here are the top 10 you can’t use anymore!

“It’s too cold outside.”
– Spring has arrived, and so have the perfect training temps. No more hiding under the doona!

“I forgot my shoes.” – You’ve survived Melbourne’s winter, so by now, you’re a pro at packing your gear. And let’s be honest, no one forgets shoes twice.  

“I didn’t have time to train.” – The days are getting longer. That means more daylight to squeeze in those sessions. No more sunset excuses!

“I’m saving my energy for the weekend.” – Remember, consistency is key. One skipped session quickly turns into a habit. Get it done now.

“I can’t run because of allergies.” – Yes, it’s spring, but nothing a good antihistamine can’t handle!

“My legs are sore.” – Aren’t they always? Just part of the triathlon life. Push through and keep moving!

“It’s too windy for a ride.” – Melbourne’s famous spring winds might still be here, but hey, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (or at least better at holding onto your bike).

“I’ll start training seriously next month.” – Nope! The time is now. Speed training is around the corner, and you don’t want to fall behind.

“I didn’t have the right gear.” – You’ve got all your spring layers ready to go - no need for endless wardrobe changes like in winter!

“I just wasn’t feeling it today.” – Spring is the season of renewal. New energy, new motivation - so let’s leave the excuses behind and smash this next phase.

2XU series 2025

Entries Are Now Open

Get ready to dive into the 2024/2025 2XU Triathlon Series, with registrations now open! There is an opening special for you to start planning your summer of racing.


To sweeten the deal, you will receive the 2024/2025 2XU Tri Series T-Shirt.

Please note the previous registration platform used for the 2XU Triathlon Series (Register Now) has now been updated to a new platform Race Roster, so things will look a little different when registering.

Members will select from a pre-populated list of Clubs and Schools based on the 2024 Series (including Tri-Alliance).  This selection will mean your result is attributed to our club points.

 Tri-Club Discounts will now be accessed via a Club Specific Promo Code.   Tri-Alliance Discount Promo Code: TRIALLIANCE

Discounts will not be active on the Opening Special "6 Races for the price of 4" of the 6 Race Full Series Entry. They will be active from the next pricing period beginning August 30th.  

Do the math - you can pay $491 now.  Or from August 30th you will get 20% discount off the Tri Club price of $553 = $442.40!

Race 1, Elwood - Sunday 24th November 2024
Race 2, Brighton - Sunday 8th December 2024
Race 3, St Kilda - Sunday 12th January 2025
Race 4, Sandringham - Sunday 9th February 2025
Race 5, Elwood - Sunday 2nd March 2025
Race 6, St Kilda - Sunday 23nd March 2025


Session Details 
- As per the online timetable.  Please check online.

Notable Information
- Saturday morning ride - Intermediate/Advanced Long course athletes to ride to Kinglake uncoached.  All others to start at 6:30am with Greg from Elwood.
- Sunday morning run -
one location.  Athletes can head to Fairfield with Greg, for their long run this weekend.


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